
When Do You Cancel a Fly ?

Ballooning requires good weather. We do not fly in wind consistently above 11 kmph (7 mph), rain, snow, or fog. We also do not fly when thunderstorms threaten the area. Myriad other conditions can affect the decision to fly or not to fly, all of which will be duly considered by the pilot to ensure flight safety. The final decision regarding any flight rests with the pilot. If your scheduled flight is cancelled, the flight will be re-scheduled at no additional cost. If you are unable to re-schedule, all payments will be refunded in full.

When Do We Meet For The Fly Balloon ?

We will meet you at your hotel 30-60 minutes before your flight, depending on your hotel location. We will drive you to the launch site for a pre-flight buffet breakfast.

What Should I Wear ?

The temperature in the balloon is considerably cooler than on the ground. Thus we advise that you wear long trousers and tops with long sleeves or a jacket. It is important that you wear comfortable footwear, as you will be standing in the balloon for at least an hour.

What Should I Bring With Me ?

Bring your camera, video cam, or phone to capture the best views of the Cappadocian region.

How I Do Pay For My Balloon Flight ?

You should pay your balloon ride by credit card via our online secure booking system. You can reserve your place instantly.

How Are Balloon Pilots Licenced ?

The Federal Aviation Administration issues a Balloon Pilot Certificate to candidates who pass an FAA written examination, train a prescribed number of hours in a balloon, make a solo flight to altitude, pass a flight test, and submit a medical statement. Balloons are subject to regular air safety checks and are registered like any other aircraft. The FAA will not allow a balloon to be certified as airworthy unless these inspections and checks are conducted by authorized and certified maintenance personnel.

Do Balloon Flights Run Year-Round ?

Yes, we fly 12 months of the year. However, there is a greater possibility of cancellation due to inclement weather from October through March.

Can Children Fly?

Children aged 0-6 are not allowed to fly. To maximize everyone's safety and enjoyment, our pilots only fly with children who are old enough to understand a preflight briefing and tall enough to see over the side of the basket unaided by a parent or guardian (usually at least 5 years old). Parents and guardians should be mindful of flight times with small children who can get bored and restless standing in the balloon for an hour.

For more information about our Cappadocia hot air balloon tours and services Call us: